Cutting edge technology in the gastroenterology department
In line with its commitment to the development of state-of-the-art technologies for patient-centred care, Hôtel-Dieu de France is pleased with the achievement of cholangioscopy by the SpyGlass™ system with hydroelectrolytic lithotripsy (EHL), December 3, 2019, in an 88-year-old patient with 17 mm of difficult gall lithiasis landlocked in the top common bile duct.
The intervening physicians specified that this innovative technique allowed a minimally invasive treatment in a single session by avoiding the need for more morbid and risky surgery.
This innovation would not have been possible without the invaluable efforts and human and technical qualities of the medical and health care team of the Department of Gastroenterology.
The success of this case testifies once again to the increased capacity of Hôtel-Dieu de France for the treatment of difficult cases to make it the destination of choice for treating the most complex cases.